Implementation Teams
Charged with the collaborative implementation of 105 recommendations for improvement to Baylor’s administrative and structural systems, policies, prevention, training and support related to sexual violence on our campus, the Sexual Assault Task Force leadership and action team members worked over the course of 16 months to implement recommended improvements and integrate operational responsibility for those improvements into functional departments of the University.
Continued improvement in our processes, policies and support for our students is an ongoing priority of Baylor University.
Each Implementation Team was dedicated to a specific area of action as identified by Pepper Hamilton. Each Team had a designated Team Leader who met regularly with the Action Team. Brandyn Hicks monitored the progress of each Implementation Team, and developed progress reports with each Team Leader.
Implementation Teams
- Broad Recommendations
Team Leader: Dr. David Garland, Interim President - Restorative Remedies (Survivor Outreach)
Team Leader: Dr. Greg Jones, Executive Vice President & Provost - Governance, Leadership, and Compliance
Team Leader: Dr. David Garland, Interim President - Title IX Infrastructure, Resources, and Internal Protocols
Team Leader: Kristan Tucker, Title IX Coordinator - Title IX Policy
Team Leader: Kristan Tucker, Title IX Coordinator - Centralized Reporting and Resolution of Reports
Team Leader: Pattie Orr, VP for Information Technology & Dean of Libraries - Resources and Support (Counseling and Advocacy)
Team Leader: Dr. David Pooler, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor - Training, Education, and Communication of Efforts
Team Leader: Dr. Kevin Jackson, VP for Student Life - Culture and Climate
Team Leader: Dr. Andrea Dixon, Associate Professor of Marketing - Athletics Department
- General Recommendations
Team Leaders: Dr. Reagan Ramsower, Senior VP and Chief Operating Officer and Jeremy Counseller, Faculty Athletics Representative to the Big 12 Conference - Athletics: Student-Athlete Drug Policy
Team Leader: Dr. Reagan Ramsower, Senior VP and Chief Operating Officer - Athletics Oversight & Reporting Protocols for Athlete Misconduct (Chief Compliance Officer)
Team Leader: Dr. Reagan Ramsower, Senior VP and Chief Operating Officer - Athletics Enrollment, Transfer and Recruitment Policy
Team Leader: Jeremy Counseller, Faculty Athletics Representative to the Big 12 Conference - Student-Athlete Integration (Interim Housing Solutions)
Team Leader: Brian Nicholson, VP of Operations and Facilities Management
- General Recommendations
- Baylor University Police Department
Team Leader: Brian Nicholson, VP of Operations and Facilities Management - Community Partnerships
Team Leader: Brian Nicholson, VP of Operations and Facilities Management - Clery Act Compliance
Chair: Shelley Deats, Clery Act & IACLEA Accreditation Specialist